Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tears Say

A few months ago, I went to the funeral of a distant family member.

I did not know the man very well. He was my (ex)brother in-law's step father. I went to support my nieces and nephew.

It was a very nice funeral.

I was set on not crying. After all, I didn't hardly know the guy. But...I am a sensitive person and I ended up crying any ways.

It wasn't so much my mourning or my respect for the man. It was more because of the quality of the words that where spoken and sung.

His daughter in-law got up and gave an excellent talk in which she said, "Tears say things that words can not express." And I thought, wow! How true is that!

She went on to say that words can never describe or express what tears have the authority to show. Tears are words of the spirit. Words of respect, admiration, and gratitude. We cry tears because that person is a part of us. Their lives have changed us on such a deep level. Their lives effect us forever and eternally. Tears can only begin to show that respect.

And from there on out, I was a basket case.

After her talk, his daughter got up and sang a wonderful song (in which she could not contain herself).

It was beautiful!

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